How Pakistani agitators cried blasphemy over an oath change that didn't happen

Behind the huge protests in Pakistan lies a change in election oath, which was restored to its original wording almost a month before the agitators took to streets in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

Pakistan is facing another turbulent political situation. Country's law minister Zahid Hamid was today forced to step down following anti-blasphemy protests in many cities including Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
The protesters, led by a little known group called Tehreek-e-Labaik Ya Rasool Allah Pakistan, alleged that Zahid Hamid was responsible for changing the wording of an oath that an election candidate has to take in the country.
More than 2,000 protesters, meanwhile, blocked highways to Islamabad on November 6 and demanded resignation of Zahid Hamid for insulting Prophet Mohammad by engineering an amendment to the Election Act, 2017.

At least, six people lost their lives while over 300 were injured in clashes between protesters and security forces in Pakistan.
The protests by religious hardliners have cornered Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, who has, already, lost his finance minister Ishaq Dar to the Panama Papers case. A court recently declared Dar absconder. Staying in London for some time for treatment a heart ailment, Dar has gone on "leave" after court's decision.
A candidate, intending to contest election in Pakistan, has to take an oath, called the Khatm-i-Nabuwwat or the finality of Prophet Mohammad. The wording of the oath is mentioned in the Election Act, 2017.
The bill to amend the Election Act was presented in the National Assembly of Pakistan on October 2 this year. The amendment led to a controversy after it was revealed that the oath on the finality of Prophet Mohammad had been modified to a mere "declaration."
The amendment changed the wording of the oath in the Election Act, 2017 from "I solemnly swear" to "I believe". This is not acceptable to the hardliners.
Interestingly, the Abbasi overnment realised the mistake and reverted to the original wording on October 4, that is, about a month before the protesters took to streets in Pakistan. The government blamed the changed wording on "clerical error". The original wording in the oath regarding the finality of Prophet Mohammad was ratified by the National Assembly.
The chief protesters are from a fringe group led by firebrand cleric named Khadim Hussain Rizvi, who is heading Tehreek-e-Labaik Ya Rasool Allah (TYL) and has been often criticised for using abusing language to his opponents.
The TYL was founded in August, 2015 during the protest in support of Barelvi cleric Mumtaz Qadri. The cleric was hanged in February 2016 for killing Punjab governor Salman Taseer, who had given a call to reform the blasphemy laws of Pakistan calling them very strict.
Protection of the blasphemy law is central to the Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan's political agenda under Khadim Hussain Rizvi, who has seen his popularity rise in recent times. Rizvi recently contested the by-election in Lahore after former Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif vacated the seat following his conviction in a corruption case.
The TYL got support from another hardline group called Pakistan Sunni Tehreek in the protests. Pakistan Sunni Tehreek was founded in Pakistan for promotion of Barelvi sect and protection of its interests.
Thousands of protesters, who took to streets in Pakistan, placed four specific demands before the Abbasi government.
  • Resignation of Zahid Hamid, whom they blamed for bringing the amendment to the Election Act (Hamid has resigned).
  • Withdrawal of the amendment to the oath regarding finality of Prophet Mohammad (change of wording has been withdrawn)
  • Assurance from the government that it would not make any attempt in future to change wording of the oath regarding finality of Prophet Mohammad (government and Hamid both have stated so).
  • Protesters want all those arrested and booked during the course of anti-blasphemy agitation be released and cases against them withdrawn.
Blasphemy law in Pakistan is considered to be the strictest among all the Islamic countries. This has its origin in Hudood ordinances promulgated in late 1970s by General Zia-ul-Haq. Parvez Musharraf revived it in 2006.
Pakistan Penal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code provide for punishment upto death for blasphemy. Pakistan has a long list of people punished under blasphemy law. In June this year, a 30-year-old man was sentenced to death under blasphemy law for posting  derogatory content on Facebook.
The then governor of Punjab Salmaan Taseer was killed for supporting a blasphemy convict Christian woman Aasia Bibi in 2011. The same year, Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leader Shahbaz Bhatti was shot dead by his body guard for supporting amendment to blasphemy law in parliament the same year.
Renowned qawwali singer Amjad Sabri was shot dead in Karachi last year after one of his qawwalis was aired on a TV channel. The qawwali, sung during a mock wedding on the TV show, had named family members of the Prophet.
The hardliner groups have resorted to all means to suppress any debate on the blasphemy law in Pakistan. The governments have found it difficult to deal with the hardliners.
Before stepping down from his post, law minister Hamid shared a video stating, "I love Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) from the depth of my heart...My family and I are prepared to lay down our lives for the honor and sanctity of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)."
PBUH is an acronym meant for Peace Be Upon Him.


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