North Korea missile spikes diplomatic tensions; Will take care of it, says Trump

The intercontinental ballistic missile landed in the Sea of Japan, causing panic in the international community.

As the test firing of a ballistic missile by North Korea has staked world diplomatic ties, US President Donald Trump in a statement said that the US "will take care of it".
Addressing reporter Trump said that "it is a situation we will handle".
Meanwhile, US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said that North Korea is continuing to build missiles that can "threaten everywhere in the world".
North Korea test fired a ballistic missile 10-weeks after its last test in September 2017.
The intercontinental ballistic missile landed in the Sea of Japan, causing panic in the international community.
South Korea's presidential office said it was holding a National Security Council meeting at 6 a.m. Wednesday local time to discuss the launch.
The UN Security Council President Sebastiano Cardi is also scheduled to brief the Security Council on the issue on Wednesday.
About a week ago, the Trump administration declared North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism, further straining ties between governments that are still technically at war. Washington also imposed new sanctions on North Korean shipping firms and Chinese trading companies dealing with the North.
Japan's ambassador to the UN Koro Bessho also condemned the test firing. "We criticize their behavior in the strongest terms possible," he said.
Pentagon spokesman Col. Rob Manning said the missile was launched from Sain Ni, North Korea, and traveled about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) before landing in the Sea of Japan within 370 nautical kilometers (200 nautical miles) of Japan's coast. It flew for 53 minutes, Japan's defense minister said.
Scientists dub it as North Korea's longest-range test till date


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