Twitter Lite app promises lower data usage, now available in 24 countries

witter introduced a Twitter Lite in April as a web application aimed at users reliant on unreliable mobile networks or slow internet connections. After a successful trial in Philippines, Twitter has now announced the rollout of the Twitter Lite mobile application in 24 countries across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Europe.
Twitter Lite is optimised for speed. Twitter claims the data friendly application loads quickly on 2G and 3G networks and minimises data usage thanks to a data saver mode that downloads only user-approved images and videos. Twitter Lite also offers offline support in case users temporarily lose their internet connections. Despite bring only 3MB in size, the application comes provides all key features of Twitter along with advanced features such as GIF search.
In a blog post on Friday, Jesar Shah, Product Manager at Twitter wrote - "In April, we launched Twitter 'Lite', a new mobile Web experience that minimises data usage, loads quicker on slower connections, and is more resilient on unreliable mobile networks. Since then we've seen an increase in engagement - for example, tweets sent from Twitter Lite have increased more than 50 percent."

"Through on-the-ground user research and Play Store reviews, we received a lot of valuable feedback. Based on these positive results, we have decided to bring it to more people around the world," she added.
Twitter began testing the beta version of the Twitter Lite application in September and opened it up to users in Philippines. The application is now available in  Algeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, Israel, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Malaysia, Nigeria, Nepal, Panama, Peru, Serbia, El Salvador, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia, Tanzania, and Venezuela. The app has not been launched in India yet and is only available for Android smartphones as of now.


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