5 year-end questions you should ask yourself about your career growth in 2017

The year is coming to a close and it's time to reflect on what you achieved these past 12 months. Did everything you hoped for in your career come true in 2017? Or do you find yourself unhappy with how the last year went by? If there are any changes you feel might make you happy, now is the time to decide what they are. Reflect on your career growth this year and understand the progress you want to make.
There are some decisions you need to take yourself to become more successful in your work life.

And to understand those, you should ask yourself 5 questions at this year-end:

1What were your career accomplishments from this year?

What did you accomplish career-wise this year? Your career goals could be as simple as updating your resume or getting one byline or could be much bigger like landing your dream job role. What you need to ask yourself is how long you spent on developing your career this year. Did you just go through the motions every day like a monotonous routine or did you really try to take a step up in the career ladder.

2Were you happy with your job?

If you are in a job you do not love doing, it is bound to stress you to some extent. So ask yourself if you are passionate about your job role and happy working where you are. If not, ask yourself which aspect of it makes you unhappy. If you can find what is stressing you, you can then work on changing it. That might mean working on a different project, in a different team, or a different job altogether. Most of the time, little changes can go a long way!

3Is there any decision from last year you want to change?

It is true that if you change anything in the past, you might not be where you are today. But unless you realise which of your decisions or actions could be changed for a better outcome, you will never improve. So, ask yourself about your regrets. Was there any situation you could have handled better? What did you do wrong? Recognise your mistakes and the opportunities you might have missed, and make sure you do not repeat them in the coming year.

4Did your skills improve since last year?

Each of us has one or more skill-sets we use in our work life. With robots taking over so many job roles, it is now extremely important to stay updated with our skills, lest we lose our job to AI. So, ask yourself - Am I better skilled now than I was last year-end? Many take certificate courses and other skill tests to improve themselves in the work they do. You can also attend workshops or seminars in your area of interest to keep abreast of the changes taking place in the industry. Your boss can also provide valuable feedback from a third-person perspective to help you understand whether you skilled up.

5What are your career goals for the next year?

It's the end of the year and hopefully, you have learned from your mistakes. You have noted the changes you want to make to be happier and more successful at your job. Now, it is time to utilise those changes to achieve your goals in the new year. Jot down 5 major goals you want to achieve in the next year and break them down into monthly and weekly goals. This will make big changes much more manageable and you can sit down and develop a plan to achieve your dream career goals.

The year is coming to a close and it's time to reflect on what you achieved these past 12 months. Did everything you hoped for in your career come true in 2017? Or do you find yourself unhappy with how the last year went by? If there are any changes you feel might make you happy, now is the time to decide what they are. Reflect on your career growth this year and understand the progress you want to make.
There are some decisions you need to take yourself to become more successful in your work life. And to understand those, you should ask yourself 5 questions at this year-end:


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