Hot off the lab bench: All the latest research on health that you can use

Breakthrough in cancer research: an Indian story
In a first, 24 researchers from eight labs in India, with contributions from Indian scientists at the University of Liverpool, UK, have designed 'Disarib', a drug which induces the death of cancer cells. The Department of Biotechnology, Union health ministry, has approved this collaborative effort to produce the first home-grown targeted cancer therapy, that does not set off any side effects. The results have been published in Biochemical Pharmacology.
Now detect cancer early

Fibre optical tweezers, in use since the 1980s, are getting smaller, lighter, and more portable. Now researchers show how they can be used to beam light to grip and manipulate tiny objects, including cells. This opens up the possibility of trapping cancer cells in the earliest stages.
Who wears the pants
When a woman chooses not to take her husband's surname, people apparently perceive her husband as being higher in traits related to femininity. He is perceived as having less power in the relationship, according to the first study of people's perceptions and masculinity published in journal Sex Roles.
Depressed or bipolar?
Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed as major depression. While the symptoms can be similar, treatments are different. A study published in the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry has found that a simple, non-invasive ECG can be a major help in diagnosis: those with major depression show significantly higher variation in heart rate than those with bipolar disorder.
Your Facebook and you
A new study from Germany reports that materialistic people see and treat their Facebook friends as "digital objects" and have significantly more friends than people who are less interested in possessions.
Worldwide, the number of people with Type 2 diabetes has quadrupled over 35 years
108 million people across the world had diabetes in 1980, it is 422 million now
642 million is what scientists think it will be by 2040
This increase has been linked to rising levels of obesity and the accumulation of intra-abdominal fat
So if you lose weight can you reverse your Type 2 diabetes?
Yes, you can, says new research published in journal Lancet this December. According a randomised trial in adults who have had Type 2 diabetes for up to six years, almost 50 per cent achieved and maintained diabetes remission at one year without anti-diabetic medications


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